Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proverbs 11:28

     As we were reading through the proverbs tonight at the dinner table (we read one chapter per night and work the whole way through the book every month. I highly recommend it. Our children can already quote many of the proverbs!), this one struck a chord with my wife. She asked that I go back and re-read it. I did and had the idea for the picture at the left after we put the kids down for the night.
     I’m thankful that she pointed this one out as I think it has a direct application to my life now. Have you ever begun to get really tied up, in your mind that is, thinking about your finances? Lately, I may have been dwelling on these issues too often. Nothing like God’s Word to bring me back down to earth! As I’m writing this post, I’m reminded of how often I’ve been thinking about “getting rich.” I’m VERY excited to get our business “Scriptures for the Home” up and running and it’s been on my mind constantly for the past month or so, but have I been too into it? Perhaps...
     I’m reminded that “riches” are only temporary and can be deceptive and therefore are NOT worthy of my trust. At the time of our greatest need, “riches” can still fail us. I know that I must be a good steward of what God has blessed me with and work to provide the essentials for my family, and that is how I should view “riches;” as a means to an end, not the end itself.
     The goal is to become wealthy in righteousness, and then I will “flourish like the green leaf.” Did you ever see a leaf “flourish” that was not attached to a branch and that branch attached to a tree and that tree rooted in the earth? I bet you haven’t. What happened to the leaves when they leave (no pun intended) the tree? They wither up, dry out and die! Hmm… Similar to my walk with Christ. If I am in constant contact with him, I grow and flourish. If I start to drift, I “dry out.” My trust must be in Christ. He will never fail and He is worthy of my trust.
     We’re still going to pursue starting our business, but I know that it will never be to me or us what Christ is, has been and will be.
     Hope these thoughts were a blessing to you. Let me know your thoughts.

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