I think one of the things plaguing Christianity today is a "normalization" of sin. This is highly contributed to by the way our culture is; nothing is wrong, don't judge anything etc... Often times I think we see sin, but don't look on it the way God does. But isn't that what we should do? Think back to the days in the graden of Eden. Adam and Eve lived in that perfect, sinless state; then with one seemingly simple act they altered the course of events forever. Notice God's response, though. He did not tolerate their behavior, He immediately expelled them from the garden. Do we look at sin like this? How often do we watch T.V. or go to movies or surf the net and watch shows or videos in which people are sinning and think nothing of it? Or maybe we think, "Boy... I'm glad I'm not like that." I'm not implying that we cut ourselves off from everything, but I am trying to get us thinking about how we view sin and respond to it. Has sin become acceptable? Has it become tolerable? Has it become normal??? I don't think God would answer yes to any of these. Just think, would you have sent your only son to die for something that was acceptable, tolerable and normal?
Ephesians 5: 11-12 says, "11Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret."
Let me know what you think,
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