Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jesus contradicts Himself???

I would like to consider two seemingly contradictory statements by Jesus found in the book of Luke
~Luke 9:50 "...for he who is not against you is for you." (Context Luke 9:46-50)
~Luke 11:23 "He who is not with Me is against Me..." (Context Luke 11:14-23)

     It seems as though we have a contradiction here!  However, we can't just cut out little snippets of scripture, compare them and draw a conclusion.  We must consider the context!
     In the first passage the disciples were complaining to Jesus because they saw a man casting out demons in the name of Christ who was not a part of their group.  They wanted to stop him, but Christ says no.  This man is obviously a believer (he's casting out in the name of Jesus).  Jesus is not stating a general truism here.  Remember He's talking to a specific group of people (his disciples) and trying to get His point across.  His point is that we must guard against pride in our group and position (as the disciples were guilty of here).  We should not stand in the way of those who are doing kingdom work.  I would like to note, though, that this is not an invitation to accept denominationalism and divisions.  We must be unified in Christ.
     In the second passage we have Jesus himself casting out demons, yet people are refusing to believe in Him (many were actually attributing His power to Satan).  Jesus is making the point that people have to make a choice...  Are you going to follow Christ or not?  If you choose to follow Christ then you're "with Him," but if you choose not to follow Christ then, by process of elimination, you're "against Him."  There is no middle, luke-warm ground. 
     So while on the surface we seem to have two passages that contradict one another, they are actually  consistent with Jesus' teachings, upon further investigation, .
     My question to you is, where do you fall in relation tothese passages?
    ~Do you find yourself being prideful in your group or associations?
    ~Do you find yourself being prideful in your position or responsibilities?
    ~Do you find yourself looking down on others who have a "lower" rank?
    ~Who are you going to choose?


Patrick Antonucci

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