Friday, July 2, 2010

The Righteousness of God

Ever think about what it takes to live with God in eternity?  I mean who can really measure up?  We all know that Christ is THE way to eternal life, but how does that work?  The way I'm approaching this is from the point of view that God is absolutely  and completely holy and righteous and cannot, by His very nature, tolerate sin or sinfulness.  And this is the basic problem for humanity; "For all have sinned a fall short of the glory of God." (Rom 3:23) is what the Bible says...  But, if we keep reading that verse we see that "all..[are] justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus." (vs 24)  There are some pretty BIG Bible words in that little verse and I don't want to get into their particular meanings except that IN Christ is found the justification (just-if-i'd never sinned) and redemption.  Additionally, if we back up a few verses, we see a little more "...the righteousness of God has been manifested,... even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe." (vs 21-22)  If you carefully read these verses you'll see that the righteousness of God is made available to us through Jesus Christ!  This IS how it works.
The logic goes like this...
1. God is righteous and cannot be in the presence of sin
2. We have sinned, so that creates a problem for us
3. God sent His Son Christ, who lived a perfect life, to take on all sin
4. In Christ we have available the righteousness of God we need to get back with God
5. We are therefore, in Christ, just a righteous as God is!!!

Think about it.


Patrick Antonucci

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